Part 32 ~ Wo Lamhein

Suhani's Pov

"I fucking hate you, Mr Rathore... The feelings I started catching for you are now dead. I'll hate you till my last breath" I spat out, each word laced with venom and finality. My body felt numb, my mind a whirlwind of emotions. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks, crushing any lingering affection or admiration I once held for him.

Standing there, I felt my world crumble around me. The man I once thought I knew, the man I once trusted, was nothing but a facade. The betrayal, the deception, it all boiled down to this moment of clarity. The weight of his lies and deceit pressed heavily on my chest, suffocating me. I had once looked at him with hope and trust .

A surge of anger coursed through my veins, hot and relentless. The pain of his betrayal transformed into a burning desire for retribution. I could feel my blood boil with the intensity of my emotions. Every fiber of my being was consumed by a need for justice, for him to face the consequences of his actions.

I clenched my fists, my nails digging into my palms as the numbness gave way to a seething rage. My vision blurred with tears of anger and frustration. I was not going to spare him. The time for forgiveness had long passed, replaced by an unyielding resolve. Mr Rathore had underestimated me, but he would soon realize the depth of his mistake.

My thoughts raced, each one a vivid picture of the justice I sought. I imagined confronting him, exposing his lies to the world, stripping away the false persona he had carefully crafted. I envisioned him standing alone, facing the repercussions of his actions, his smug confidence replaced by regret and fear.

As I stood there, I made a silent vow. This hatred would fuel me, drive me forward in my quest for vengeance. I would not rest until I had dismantled the facade he had built, until he felt the same pain and betrayal that he had inflicted upon me. Every lie he had told, every deceitful act, would be brought to light.

With each passing moment, my resolve hardened. The path ahead was clear, and I was determined to see it through. I would be relentless in my pursuit, unyielding in my quest for justice. Mr Rathore would pay the price for his actions, and I would be there to ensure it.

The man before me, once the object of my affection, was now my enemy. And as I walked away from him, my heart filled with a newfound purpose. The feelings I had once harbored for him were indeed dead, replaced by a fierce, unwavering hatred. I would hate him until my last breath, and that hatred would be my strength, my guiding force in the battle that lay ahead.

Aditya's Pov

I had changed my clothes and went downstairs, my heart heavy with the weight of recent events. As I descended the staircase, I met with Veer, his calm demeanor providing a momentary respite from my turbulent thoughts.

"I fed Dadisa and gave her the medicines" Veer informed me with a reassuring smile. His words brought a wave of relief washing over me, easing a fraction of the guilt I felt. Knowing that Dadisa was taken care of, that she was not alone in her distress, offered a small comfort.

"Thank you, Veer" I said, my voice laden with gratitude and weariness. He nodded, understanding the unspoken turmoil within me. I continued my path towards Dadisa's room, each step filled with trepidation. The hallway seemed longer than usual, each footfall echoing the heaviness in my heart.

When I entered her room, the soft glow of the bedside lamp cast a gentle light over her serene face. She was sleeping peacefully, her features relaxed, free from the worries that plagued her waking hours. The sight should have been a balm to my troubled soul, but instead, it amplified the remorse I felt.

I approached her bed quietly, careful not to disturb her slumber. As I stood there, gazing down at her, the memories of our recent interactions flooded my mind. I had seen the disappointment in her eyes, heard the hurt in her voice. The knowledge that my actions had caused her such pain was a heavy burden to bear.

She was more than just a guardian to me , she was a pillar of strength, a beacon of wisdom and unconditional love. Her unwavering support had been a constant in my life, and now, I had shaken that foundation with my behavior. The realization of how deeply I had upset her gnawed at me, making it hard to breathe.

I reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair from her forehead. Her skin was warm and soft, a stark contrast to the cold reality of my actions. She stirred slightly, murmuring in her sleep, and I withdrew my hand, not wanting to wake her.

In the quiet of the room, I replayed the events that had led to this moment. Each mistake, each harsh word, seemed to echo louder in the silence. I had acted impulsively, without thought to the consequences, and now the person who mattered most to me was suffering because of it.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, my shoulders slumping under the weight of my guilt. Her peaceful face was a stark reminder of the calm and stability I had disrupted. I wished I could turn back time, undo the harm I had caused, but I knew it was impossible. All I could do now was try to make amends, to find a way to restore her faith in me.

As I watched her sleep, I made a silent promise to myself and to her. I would do everything in my power to make things right, to earn back her trust and respect. The road ahead would be difficult, but I was determined to take each step with care and consideration, guided by the love and wisdom she had always shown me.

She deserved nothing less than my absolute best, and I vowed to give it to her. With one last look at her sleeping form, I rose from the bed, my heart filled with a renewed sense of purpose. I would mend what was broken .

I went to the kitchen, the familiar hum of activity a stark contrast to the chaos within my mind. The attendants greeted me, their concern evident as they asked if I wanted to eat. I didn’t feel like eating, my appetite long gone, so I refused with a shake of my head.

"No, thank you" I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. Their eyes lingered on me, sensing my turmoil, but they knew better than to press the issue. I glanced around the kitchen, my gaze falling on the array of dishes prepared for the evening meal. Amidst the clutter, my thoughts turned to Suhani. She must be hungry. She hadn't eaten anything.

Summoning what little strength I had left, I began preparing a plate for her. I selected the dishes which I thought must be impossible for her to ignore , last time I saw her eating , I knew she is a big foodie , hoping the familiar flavors might coax her into eating. Each scoop of food felt like a step closer to the confrontation I dreaded. As I placed the last item on the plate, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what lay ahead.

With the plate in hand, I started walking towards Suhani’s room. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat loud and insistent, echoing my anxiety. The hallway seemed to stretch endlessly before me, each step heavier than the last. I replayed the events of the past days in my mind, the misunderstandings, the harsh words, the moments I wished I could erase.

As I neared her door, doubt gnawed at me. How would I face her? What could I possibly say to make things right? She was angry, and probably hated me for what had happened. The thought made my stomach churn, but I couldn’t back down now. She needed to eat, and I needed to ensure she did.

I paused outside her room, the door a physical barrier between us. I knocked but she didn't respond making my heart ache more , There was no response. I took a deep breath and knocked again, a bit louder this time.

“Suhani?” I called softly, my voice betraying the nerves I felt. “It’s me. I brought you something to eat”

Silence. My heart sank, but I couldn’t give up. I slowly opened the door, peeking inside. The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting long shadows. She sat by the window, her back to me, staring out into the darkness.

I stepped inside, closing the door quietly behind me. “Suhani” I said again, trying to keep my voice steady. “I know you’re upset. I know you’re angry. But you need to eat something”

She didn’t turn around. The silence was thick, almost suffocating. I walked over to her, each step echoing the pounding of my heart. As I reached her side, I placed the plate on the table next to her.

“Suhani” I implored, my voice softer now . “I know I’ve hurt you. I know you probably hate me right now. But you need to take care of yourself. Please, just eat a little”

She finally turned to look at me, her eyes filled with a mixture of anger and pain. The intensity of her gaze made me flinch, but I stood my ground, refusing to look away. This was my fault, and I needed to face it.

"It's Dr Suhani for you" She said , her voice extremely cold , my heart sank to my stomach.

“You think food will fix this?” she asked, her voice sharp and cutting. “You think bringing me a plate will make everything better?”

“No” I replied quietly, my voice strong . “I don’t think it will fix anything. But I can’t stand by and watch you suffer. Please, just eat something. For your own sake , for your friends sake”

She kept staring at me , I sat down beside her , maintaining my distance, she kept looking at me and then suddenly tears starting dripping from her eyes , I tried to wipe off the tears but she stopped me , making me halt at my actions. I picked up the plate and tore a bite for her , placed it in front of her mouth but she didn't eat , I didn't know how to make her eat but she needed to eat . She stared at me for a long moment, then pushed the plate away with a defiant glare. Frustration bubbled up inside me. I couldn't let her continue like this, weakening herself out of spite

“Suhani, please” I tried again, but her refusal was firm, her lips set in a tight line. Desperation gnawed at me. I had no choice left. I needed to make her eat, even if it meant forcing her.

She stared at me for a long moment, her expression unreadable.

I picked up the plate and tore a big bite of roti for her “I’m sorry but you need to eat” I whispered, more to myself than to her. Before she could react, I reached out and grabbed her jaw, my fingers firm but gentle. Her eyes widened in shock and anger as I tilted her head back slightly, forcing her mouth open.

“Stop it!” she tried to protest, her voice muffled and strained. But I couldn’t relent. She needed to eat, to regain her strength.

“I’m sorry, Suhani” I repeated, my voice breaking with the weight of my desperation. “But you have to eat”

Ignoring her struggling, I brought the bite to her mouth, pressing the food past her lips. She resisted, but I held her jaw firmly, not allowing her to turn away. Tears welled up in her eyes, and I felt a pang of guilt so intense it nearly stopped me. But I couldn’t afford to back down now. Her health was more important than her anger.

She finally chewed and swallowed the bite, her eyes never leaving mine, filled with a mixture of fury and hurt. I released her jaw, my hand shaking slightly from the effort. She coughed, wiping at her mouth with the back of her hand, glaring at me with pure venom.

“How dare you, Mr Rathore” she hissed, her voice trembling with rage. “How dare you force me like that!”

Tears burned in my own eyes as I knelt beside her. “ I know you see me as a monster but please trust me Suhani” I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. “I know you’re angry. I know I’ve hurt you. But I can’t watch you waste away like this. You need to eat. Please, try to understand”

She turned away from me, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs. I felt my heart shatter at the sight, knowing that I had crossed a line, but unable to see any other way. I placed the spoon back on the plate, my own tears struggling to come out , never in my whole life I cried but today....I did . my emotions betrayed me and my tears fell .

"Where are they?" she asked, her voice as cold as ever.

"They'll be here in a few hours" I replied, turning to face her.

"You must be tired. You need to rest a bit. Ahana and Krish will be here with you soon..." I said in a whisper, my voice barely audible.

She stood up from the couch, her movements deliberate. Her eyes, usually filled with a frosty indifference, The fabric of her dress rustled softly with each step, creating a subtle, almost hypnotic rhythm. I watched as she crossed the room, the light catching the delicate features of her face, highlighting the tension that she tried so hard to hide.

When she reached me, she paused, her gaze intense and searching. For a moment, it felt as if time itself had slowed, the air between us thick with unspoken words and lingering emotions. Her presence was overwhelming, a mixture of strength and vulnerability that drew me in and made it hard to breathe.

"They better be here soon, Mr Rathore , I- " she said, her voice stern but wavering slightly.

I nodded in acknowledgment, watching her closely. As our eyes met, I noticed her hands trembling, Sweat started forming on her forehead , her breathing became uneven, a clear sign of her inner turmoil.

"Can I?" I asked gently, wanting to offer her some comfort. She needed it, and I knew all too well how it felt to be overwhelmed by anxiety.

I stepped forward and reached out to hold her hand, hoping the gesture would provide some solace. However, as soon as our hands touched, I could feel her starting to panic. Her breathing became erratic and shallow, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Tears began to well up in her eyes, spilling over and streaming down her cheeks. My heart sank as I realized what was happening—she was having a panic attack.

"Shh , Suhani- I am here" I murmured, trying to keep my voice calm and steady.

But it was too late. Her knees buckled, and she began to fall. I lunged forward, catching her just in time. She felt so fragile in my arms, her body trembling uncontrollably. I lowered us both gently to the floor, cradling her as she struggled to catch her breath.

"Listen to me. Focus on my voice" I said softly, my own heart pounding in my chest. "Breathe with me, okay? In... and out. Slowly. In... and out , yeah that's right , you are strong hmm , breath-"

I held her close, feeling the erratic beat of her heart against mine. Her fingers clutched at my shirt, her nails digging into my skin as she fought for control. I continued to speak to her in soothing tones, guiding her through each breath, hoping to ground her in the present moment.

"You're safe. You're not alone" I repeated, stroking her hair gently. "Just keep breathing. In... and out"

"T-There , my b-bag , medicine" She said , asking me to get her medicines , I did without wasting any second , sweat started forming on my forehead. I made her gulp the medicine and she held me close , breathing slow breaths .

Gradually, her breathing began to slow, becoming more even and less frantic. The tension in her body eased, and she started to relax in my arms. I felt a wave of relief wash over me as the worst of the attack passed.

"I'm here with you, hm" I whispered, holding her close. "It's going to be alright"

She looked up at me, her eyes still glistening with tears but now filled with a mixture of gratitude and exhaustion. I brushed a stray tear from her cheek, offering her a reassuring smile , she just looked at me .

"Let me take you to the hospital" I said but she refused

"N-No need , I am better now" she replied making me sigh as I knew she was not going to listen but I decided to let her be , because I knew I needed to give her the space right now , I'll take her once she feels relaxed, But why, Panic attack?...did something happen for her to react to this...the situation we are in is a stressful one itself but I need to find about her panic attacks.

I nodded, helping her to her feet. "Let's get you somewhere comfortable" I suggested.

"Mujhe panic attack aaya but iska matlab ye nahi aapko mauka mil gaya mere kareeb aane ka" ( I had a panic attack, but that doesn't mean you got an opportunity to get close to me) She said furiously and my heart ached but I just let it go...

We sat there in silence for a while, the intensity of the moment slowly dissipating. I could see the strength returning to her, bit by bit, and it filled me with a renewed sense of determination.

"Suhani, Hum jaante hain aur hum aapke kareeb aane ki koshish nahi kar rahe the" ( I know but i was not trying to get close to you suhani) I said as I stood up and scooped her into my arms. She protested, struggling weakly against my hold, but I didn't listen to her objections.

"Put me down, I said put me down Mr Rathore , who do you think of yourself huh" she shouted, her voice tinged with frustration, but I remained resolute. Her body was still trembling from the aftermath of the panic attack, and I could see the exhaustion in her eyes.

Ignoring her resistance, I carried her towards the bed with steady, purposeful steps. She continued to push against me, her hands pressing against my chest, but her strength was no match for my determination. I could feel her heart racing, a reminder of the vulnerability she was trying so hard to hide.

When we reached the bed, I gently lowered her onto the mattress, making sure she was comfortable. She glared at me, her eyes still filled with a mix of anger and residual fear. I could see the tension in her jaw as she tried to regain her composure.

" you need to rest" I said softly, kneeling beside the bed. "You’ve been through a lot, and your body needs time to recover"

She looked away, refusing to meet my gaze. Her silence spoke volumes, but I knew she was listening. I reached out and took her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze before letting go.

"I’m here to help you, not to invade your space" I continued. "Please, just rest for a while"

She finally looked at me, her eyes softening slightly. The defiance was still there, but so was the exhaustion. She nodded reluctantly, acknowledging that she needed to take care of herself, even if she didn’t want to admit it.

"I’ll be right here if you need anything," I added, standing up and taking a step back to give her space.

As I moved to a chair nearby, I watched her settle into the bed, pulling the blanket up to her chin. She closed her eyes, her breathing gradually evening out as she began to relax. The room was quiet, the tension slowly dissipating as she drifted off to sleep.

I stayed by her side, ready to support her in any way I could. No matter how much she pushed me away, I was determined to be there for her, to help her through this difficult time.

After a while

Suhani's Pov

"W-Water" I murmured, feeling my eyes flutter open. My throat was dry, and I desperately needed a drink. Sitting up on the bed, I blinked a few times, trying to get my bearings. It was then that I noticed Mr Rathore still in my room, sitting on a chair and looking at me with concern.

As soon as he saw me standing up, he rushed towards me. "Suhani, are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

"I... I just need some water" I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper.

Without hesitation, he grabbed the glass of water from the bedside table and handed it to me. His hands were steady, but I could see the concern etched on his face. I took the glass and drank deeply, feeling the cool liquid soothe my parched throat.

He nodded and took the glass from my hand . his eyes never leaving mine. "How are you feeling now?"

I took a deep breath, trying to assess my own state. The panic attack had left me exhausted, but the water had helped clear my mind a bit. "Better" I admitted, though I still felt a lingering unease.

He nodded, his expression serious. "You should lie back down and rest. You need to take care of yourself"

I hesitated, looking at him. Despite my earlier resistance, there was something comforting about his presence. I could see the genuine concern in his eyes, and it made it hard to push him away but I can't lose my composure , I need to keep reminding myself that I hate him.

He came towards me to tuck me in the blanket , My heartbeat quickened, each thump resonating louder in my chest as he moved closer. The air between us seemed to crackle with a palpable tension, charged with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. His eyes, intense and unyielding, locked onto mine, holding me captive in their gaze. I could feel the heat radiating from his body, a subtle warmth that sent shivers down my spine despite the proximity.

As the distance between us diminished, my breath hitched, coming in shallow, uneven gasps. The space that had once felt vast and impassable now seemed almost non-existent, a mere whisper of air separating us. My senses heightened, I became acutely aware of everything around me , the faint scent of his cologne, the soft rustle of his clothes, the quiet intensity in his expression.

My pulse pounded in my temples, and my skin tingled with anticipation, a mixture of fear and excitement swirling within me. His presence was overwhelming, a magnetic force that drew me in, making it impossible to look away. I could feel the tension in my muscles, taut and ready, as if my body was preparing for something inevitable, something irrevocable.

"Please stay away , I don't want you here...I hate you Mr Rathore" I said , my voice sharp and furious , He looked Upset?

but he began to come closer , my heart raced and I didn't know what to do .

" Tell me you don't care about me , tell me you feel nothing when I'm near you.....tell me you feel nothing and I will walk away , Suhani , No matter how much you deny and say you hate me , I can see it in your eyes " just as he uttered those words I felt myself burning on the flame of intensity , I could I say that I feel nothing when I feel everything everytime he comes close to me ?

His voice, low and urgent, echoed in my ears, each word slicing through the air like a blade. The challenge in his gaze was undeniable, a raw plea mingled with frustration and desperation. My heart clenched painfully in my chest, each beat a reminder of the truth I was struggling to hide.

As his words hung between us, I could feel my composure unraveling, my resolve crumbling like sand under the relentless tide of my emotions. Every time he was near, my senses were assaulted by his presence— the intensity of his gaze. Denying what I felt seemed impossible, a lie that would shatter me more than the truth ever could.

My skin prickled with awareness, the proximity of his body a constant reminder of the electricity that sparked between us. Each breath I took felt labored, as if the very air around us had thickened with the gravity of his words. The space between us was charged with a tension so potent it was almost suffocating, every second stretching into an eternity as I struggled to find my voice.

My thoughts raced, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions—fear, desire, confusion, and an overwhelming yearning that threatened to consume me. How could I tell him I felt nothing when his presence ignited every fiber of my being? When the mere sound of his voice sent shivers down my spine and made my heart race with a mixture of dread and exhilaration?

His eyes bored into mine, searching for the truth I was so desperately trying to conceal. The intensity of his gaze was almost unbearable, and I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, my pulse pounding in my ears. It was as if he could see straight through to my very soul, stripping away the layers of pretense I had so carefully constructed.

The silence stretched on, heavy and oppressive, filled with the unspoken words that lay between us. My mouth felt dry, my throat constricted with the effort of holding back the truth.


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Just a Soul trying to bring the magic of the fictional world in your lives ~ Hii guys , welcome , my name is Neerja and I just started writing books , I might be new but my stories are cooking in my mind since years , follow me and support me in this journey of mine and I promise you'll find my stories Unique and Promising in their own way ~ ☆ what my books have :- ♡ ~ Historical romance , ♡ ~ lots of Erotic and sensual Romance with a pinch of my own writing flavor , ♡ ~ suspense , ♡ ~ drama , ♡ ~ Overflowing possessiveness in my male characters for their female leads, ♡ ~ loads of teasing , 《 ♡ ~ Debut book and currently working on : Kingdom of Jaisalmer : Reincarnation 》 ☆ Feel free to contact me on : Instagram (DM) link is given below ☆ • Gmail : nirzakumar4826@gmail.com • , 《 You can listen to my spotify playlist of my stories https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3QrxZW02WJ9hV2Y6ywUDEa?si=U6hS58H2QHajKnYGT6Um6g&pt=07dd1a78b99801344b9db9ab5b3cf6e3 》 , listen and enjoyyyyyy , my angels ♡